Happy new year 2024!
✨ Welcome 2024✨ Atlantic Bone Screen and all Atlanta Group wish you an Happy New Year and all the best for 2024! L [...]

Biomaterials implantation models
Among ABS expertise is the capacity to into bone defect or intermuscular site and then evaluate its . Know more on our [...]

AtlAntA’s Group wishes you and your Team all the best for this new year 2022… We wish you plenty of happyness and a [...]

New Member in the Team! Welcome Anne-Sophie
Our Scientific Team is expanding and is pleased to now have Anne-Sophie Lamort on board! Anne-Sophie is our new imaging [...]

Meet our Team at Cosmetic360, Paris
Our Team will be participating COSMETIC 360° event in Paris on Oct. 13th and 14th. A good opportunity to present our e [...]

Meet us during BioConvention 2021
Atlantic Bone Screen is delighted to participate at BIODigital (June 14 -18). It is a great opportunity to learn about [...]

AtlAntA’s Group wishes you and your Team all the best for this new year 2021… We will keep being at your side and me [...]

World Diabetes Day Nov 14th – Diabete and osteoarticular diseases
November 14th is the World Diabetes Day… the number of people with diabetes rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 milli [...]

World Arthritis day – Oct 12th 2020
Today is the world arthritis day: Did you know that… Arthritis is an umbrella term for over 100 different types of dis [...]

BioEurope – October 26/29- Virtual meetings
Atlantic Bone Screen will be participating BIO-Europe Virtual, from October 26th to 29th. Contact us to plan a meeting w [...]

World Osteoarthritis day – Sep 17th 2020
Today is the world osteoarthritis day: 315 millions of persons suffer from this pathology, 40 millions in Europe… we a [...]

Oncology Summit Virtual Partnering – SEPTEMBER 2020
Take the opportunity of this first edition of Oncology summit to meet our sales team : from September 22nd to 24th, we w [...]

Welcome to Camille Jubelin – PhD Thesis for 3D models in oncology
We are pleased to welcome Camille Jubelin in our team as a PhD student in the context of a 3-year-doctorate in collabora [...]

Weigert Van Gieson staining
Among the large range of staining that ABS Team can process, let’s focus on the Weigert Van Gieson staining for e [...]

PD1 & PDL-1 immunostaining for tumoral preclinical models
The interaction PD1/PDL-1 suppresses the T cell function and ultimately promotes tumor evasion of the immune system. Thu [...]
Key Figures
PhD & PharmD
vet pathologist
+10 Years
Performed studies
Satisfied Customers